Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Municipal solid waste is commonly called trash or garbage. It mainly consists of everyday items such as grass clippings, furniture, clothing, food scraps, newspapers, bottles and cans.
Municipalities are moving away from unsustainable waste management practices such as open burning, garbage dumps and landfills. A desire to protect the environment and leave a better legacy for future generations is inspiring communities, particularly in remote locations, to consider point-of-need waste treatment.
IWI’s Dual Reactor Systems are designed to handle several types of municipal waste:
- Paper/cardboard (packing material)
- Plastic (foil, bottles, dishes)
- Metal cans
- Food waste
- Clothing
- Garbage
- Commercial waste (from stores, restaurants, hotels)
Why choose waste treatment over landfilling?
- Gases emitted from landfill sites cause air pollution and foul odors while contributing to global warming.
- Landfill sites can pollute local streams since toxic materials can seep through the soil into the ground water.
- When properly treated, municipal waste can be used as a source of energy for the production of electricity, steam, hot water, or hot oil.
- Ability to alter waste appearance and reduce volume
The complete sanitation of all waste!